Dyeing is the distribution process that takes place in the dye bath between dye solution and textile materials. In the pigment dyeing process, no actual chemical reaction takes place between the dye and the fabric. Pigments are insoluble in water. Binders are used to fix the dyes on the top of the fabric. They provide a slight charge to fix the dyes.
{getToc} $title={Table of Contents}
- Learn more about pigment dyes.
- To know about the procedure of pigment dyeing.
- To know about the quality of pigment-dyed fabric.
- Beaker
- Pipette
- Weight balancer
- Gas burner
- Tripod Stand
- Glass rod
- Dye pots, etc.
Pigment yellow = (2 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 0.2 ml
Binder = (15 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 1.5 ml
Levelling agent = (1 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 0.1 ml
Sequestering agent = (1 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 0.1 gm
Wetting agent = (1 ✕ 100) / 1000 = 0.1 ml
Acetic acid = (1 ✕ 100) / 1000 ml
Total liquor = (0.2 + 1.5 + 0.1 + 0.1 + 0.1) = 2 ml
Freshwater required = (100-2) = 98 ml
Working Procedure
- Collected pre-treated sample fabric by weighing 5 gm.
- Added pigment yellow solution.
- Added binder, leveling, sequestering, wetting agents, and acetic acid.
- Added fresh water as required.
- Raised the temperature to 60℃ and run for 40 minutes.
- Finally, collected the dyed sample and neutralized it.
- Washed the fabric and dried it.
Sample of Pigment Dyed Fabric
Dyeing Curve
- The number of chemicals, water, and dye should be carefully taken.
- Careful about time, and temperature, and perfectly maintained.
- After dyeing, neutralization should be done carefully.
- Washing should be done perfectly.
In this experiment, cotton is dyed with pigment, which is insoluble in water. This process is done by using a binder. Without binder or cationic, anionic agent pigment dyeing is not possible. So, here the main rule is played by the binder.